
Hotel door card with the Wi-Fi symbol.
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8 mins
Is hotel Wi-Fi safe?
Travel is picking up in some parts of the world. If you’re in a hotel, take these simple precautions when you go online.
Surveillance cameras monitoring a smartphone.
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7 mins
How to find and remove stalkerware apps
You might just have one on your phone.
Video game controller and a surveillance camera.
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11 mins
Top 10 video games that will change how you view privacy
Play through our picks for some of the best video games about hacking, surveillance, and privacy.
Phone with location pin and luggage handles.
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4 mins
How to track your own luggage
Love to travel but hate lost luggage? You might want to consider including a tracker device in your suitcase. Our two-minute video will show you how it works.
A bag with a laptop inside and the Wi-Fi symbol.
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6 mins
Stay prepared with an emergency tech kit
Survival isn’t just about food and water. Power banks and adapters can be life savers. Prepare for a crisis with the right tech gear.
Magnifying glass and a hidden spy camera
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4 mins
How to detect hidden spy cameras
Hidden cameras are a growing problem in hotel rooms, gyms, homes, and more. Watch our video for tips on how to find these tiny spy devices.
Password storage app UI.
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4 mins
Video: Best ways to store your passwords
Do you keep your passwords on Post-It notes? There are actually worse ways to store your passwords.
Transparent window with magnifying glass.
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2 mins
Video: What does your ISP know about you?
With an unencrypted connection, your internet service provider can learn a lot about you including the sites you visit and the apps you use.
Router with a padlock.
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2 mins
Video: What are the risks of an unsecured router?
You use your home’s Wi-Fi router every day for everything from streaming to banking. So it’s important to make sure it’s secure.
Shopping card with padlock.
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1 min
Video: How to stay private while shopping in real life
Intrusive technology—even in physical stores—is more prevalent than you think when shopping. Here are some ways you might be spied on this Black Friday.
Shopping cart with various items.
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4 mins
Video: 9 tips for safer online shopping
Get the best Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals and avoid getting scammed. Check out our tips for safer online shopping in 2021.
Albert Fox Cahn Q&A
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9 mins
Q&A with surveillance critic Albert Fox Cahn
We speak with the founder of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.) in New York City about the fight to dismantle mass surveillance.

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