Q&A with wolfSSL, the team behind Lightway’s cryptography
Find out more about the benefits of wolfSSL, what services and companies use it, and the future of cryptography.
Not just a game: How Minecraft fights for digital freedom
One way Minecraft helps people access censored books and news is by stashing them in the game.
Is this attack a hack… or hacktivism?
We take a look at examples of hacktivism, well-known groups like Anonymous, and the pros and cons of hacktivism.
Q&A: Alex Gladstein on smuggling forbidden media via USB sticks
We speak to the Human Rights Foundation about its mission to send films and news of the outside world to North Korea.
4 common VPN questions—answered in emojis
In the spirit of World Emoji Day 📅, we’ve attempted to answer some of your most frequently asked questions regarding VPNs ... using only emojis.
Machines are learning, and they know a lot about you
Artificial intelligence makes our lives more convenient, but the tech leaves us with little privacy.
7 technologies that ruin everything
Did e-readers ruin reading? Did dating apps ruin dating? Did streaming services ruin movie-going? Our blog writers weigh in on what technology has taken from their real-life experiences.
Will your iPhone replace your passport or ID card?
Apple hopes so. The iPhone’s Secure Enclave already holds biometric and credit card information. Next up is your driver’s license and other forms of ID.
The rise of telehealth: What it means for patient privacy
The increased adoption of telehealth services across the globe brings with it new and unprecedented privacy and security challenges.
Cypherpunks: Pioneers of online privacy
Encryption was once used exclusively for military purposes. Cypherpunks helped bring the tech into the mainstream.